Supportive Protocol

Disclaimer: Product recommendations here are purely educational for adults only. Nothing is intended to diagnose or treat disease. I am not a medical doctor and do not advise on medical treatments including vaccination.

Lifestyle Recommendations to support optimal health:


Epsom Salt baths 1-2x a week. (use 3-5 cups Epsom salt) or Sauna if you have access to one.

Make sure you are drinking water, peeing, pooping & sweating! You want your detox and drainage pathways open to support elimination of toxins. You should be moving your bowels at least once daily, ideally 2-3x daily to have your detox pathways open. Reneu colon cleanse is a great support to keep the colon clean. Follow directions on the bottle.




Micro Daily - I recommend this for everyone!

Follow dosing on the bottle. I like taking it 3x a day.

 Learn more about the research that went into micro daily

Ionic detox foot baths. If you have a machine, I suggest 2-3/week starting a few weeks before and continuing for a few weeks after. Hannah is a great resource for the machine we use in the office and is available to purchase for home use.

If buying a machine for home doesn’t fit your budget, I suggest doing a Footbath 1/week if your circumstances allow. You can schedule online or call and one of the team members can help.

Contraindications for the Footbath are pregnancy, pacemaker, electronic implant, seizure disorder, history of organ transplantation.


Starting 1 week before:

1. Micro Daily 3 servings daily (contains NAC, ALA, and CoQ10)

2. Immu C 30 drops 1-2x times a day (this is has Camu in it, a source of vitamin C)

3. HMET Binder 1 capsules 1-2 times a day. (up to 2 twice daily is an aggressive dosage)

4. Flu Stop homeopathic follow directions on the bottle.

5. ADEK Pro 2 capsules daily or Vitamin D

6. Lymphatic drainage or Lymphathic vascular drainage 10drops 2x day - to boost lymphatic drainage


If you have a doterra account and want to use your oils:



Micro daily or LLV Pack

Start 1 week before:

Copaiba, DDR Prime,  1-2 capsules of each twice a day

Apply lemongrass, frankincense, turmeric, cypress to the soles of the feet 2x daily and over any lymph node swelling. 10drops each in a 10ml roller recommended

Viradchem Binder 1 capsules 1-2 times a day. (up to 2 twice daily is an aggressive dosage)

Flu Stop homeopathic follow directions on the bottle.

Lymphatic drainage or Lymphathic vascular drainage 10drops 2x day - to boost lymphatic drainage

Dealing with Fatigue

My favorite energy support items:

Adaptocrine 1 3x a day is very helpful for that .

Detox Binder

VirRadChem is a binder that helps pull virus, chemicals & radiation from the body. Normal adult dosing is 2 caps twice a day. 

HM-ET pulls heavy metals, environmental toxins including glyphosate.

11 products