New size: 80gm
Carboxy is a binder that contains short- and long-chain carbons, which travel to different areas of the body to remove harmful environmental elements. That’s the key: Carboxy works systemically to promote full body detoxification, moving beyond the gut. This is an excellent mold binder to use after finish at least one bottle of biotoxin binder.
Carboxy contains electrolytes, humic and fulvic acid compounds, and polysaccharides, which help repair damage done to cells by toxins. It also promotes increased energy production at the cellular level. This repairative mechanism and ability to promote life is what sets Carboxy apart from traditional binders.
Carboxy is different from traditional clay or charcoal binders. The binding ability of older binders is limited because clay and charcoal contain what are called “spent carbons.” Think of a spent carbon as a sponge that soaks up toxins specifically in the gut. Like a sponge, once it’s “full,” it drops and leaks, leaving behind toxins it cannot carry anymore.
The short- and long-chain carbons in Carboxy travel beyond the gut and have more energy available than spent carbons. This means there is greater potential for Carboxy to interact with unwanted substances and safely remove them. This creates the unique ability to bind and repair that spent carbons lack.
Carbon Technology also supports the balance of the electrochemistry of the human body. People with high toxicity levels may use this product to support systemic detoxification from environmental toxins.